Email regarding IT departments work clothes
Email regarding IT departments work clothes
Part 1- 600 words Write the email to address the situation below. In your writing, you will need to show that you have considered these elements from the syllabus so far: Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions Cultural Intelligence CQ wheel High context/low context Email Purpose, Function and Tone You must include all the relevant information. Task- Email You are head of Information Technology in the regional office of a multinational company. The company has an unwritten policy on work clothes. Male employees should wear ties and jackets; female employees smart dresses, skirts or trousers. However, some staff working in the IT department have started wearing more casual clothes jeans, T-shirts, trainers etc. You have decided to write an email to all your IT staff to get agreement on an acceptable dress code for employees of a multinational company. You are British multinational company, and your region is Singapore. You have 60 IT staff in the regional team. While a proportion of the staff are from Singapore, it is a very international team, with colleagues from Australia, the UK, Japan, Dubai, and Sweden. These are the notes and plans you have made so far in preparation for the email. Subject: work clothes Objective: To get agreement on dress code from IT team Background: – Normal dress code – IT current standards of dress Issues: – Bad feeling among other staff from other teams – Image with visiting customers and clients and SKYPE meetings – Most IT staff contact with customers is via email – IT staff cite Steve Jobs/Mark Zuckerberg (Apple/Facebook) as examples of informal dress yet highly effective Options: – Agree on formal clothes for IT – Agree on different dress code for IT PART 2 – 1000 WORDS Write a commentary explaining your decisions about your email. You will need to explain how you considered the following points in your email. Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions Cultural Intelligence CQ wheel High context/low context Tone This section should be written in a personal, reflective style. You will need to reference any secondary information sources. For example websites which give you information about the points above. Use subheadings to help with organisation HELPFUL NOTES: The situation includes a number of different nationalities/cultures of employees. You will need to do some research into these cultures and talk about how this information influences the intercultural aspects of the email. The situation might be described as sensitive topic. Think carefully how you can make these kinds of suggestions or raise these issues when writing to employees of different cultures.