evaluate and discuss Texas decision to provide in-state tuition benefits at public colleges and universities to undocumented immigrants.
evaluate and discuss Texas decision to provide in-state tuition benefits at public colleges and universities to undocumented immigrants.
Within your paperand keeping in mind and evaluating the ethical merits of this decisionyou should address the arguments in support ofor in opposition tothis decision. What evidence is there that lends credence to each side of the argument? Finally, this decision has political implications. What were those implications, and how do those realities enhance your understanding of how politics works? You must draw a conclusion and justify your position. Paper Guidelines Completed using Microsoft Word ONLY. Must be 12-pt Times New Roman font. Must be double-spaced with standard one-inch margins. Must be left-justified. Must be in APA format as shown in the sample APA template provided in this section of Blackboard, including section headings. A cover page and works cited page are REQUIRED but do not count as part of the minimum/maximum word count requirement. Minimum of 1000-1500 words Minimum of 3 5 credible sources, at least one of which must be a primary source. ** A minimum of 3 sources MUST come from the Kilgore College Library Databases.** For each of your sources that you select, you should carefully incorporate the CLUES method to evaluate your information and assess your sources reliability in constructing your arguments: (View the Powerpoint for the Clues method in this section of Blackboard) Consider the source and its author Lay out the argument, values and assumptions of the author Uncover the evidence, which should be based upon empirical evidence and/or sound, logical reasoning Evaluate the authors conclusion Sort out the political implications, i.e., how does the source enhance your understanding of politics? Paper must be typed This assignment is due no later than midnight, 14 April 2019. Late submissions will not be accepted. You must submit your paper to the Plagiarism Detection Service when submitting your paper to Blackboard. Referencing Wikileaks as a source in your paper will result in an immediate grade of ‘0’ (Zero) on your paper. BELOW THIS ASSIGNMENT IS A SAMPLE APA TEMPLATE. USE THIS TO COMPLETE YOUR PAPER!!