Evaluate the analysis made to recommend ERP to the Board, and the quality of the justification.
Here are some tips for writing the case answers: Answers should be brief and to the point (10 lines max). Answers should be substantiated by proper reasoning from the case or other sources. Avoid general statements such as make customers happy, increase profits etc without proper explanations. QUESTIONS – Eight (8) Questions. All Questions Must be Answered. Question #1: Changes in the management team at Cisco enabled the company to grow and improve its competitive standing against 3Com, Nortel, and Lucent. In 1988, John Morgridge, an experienced executive in the computer industry, was nominated as the CEO of Cisco. With the departure of the two founders in 1990, following the Initial Public Offering (IPO), Morgridge was able to continue his plan to install an extremely disciplined management structure. Besides hiring Peter Solvik in 1993 as CIO, Morgridge implemented two major organization reporting changes. Based on the facts presented in the case: What were the two organizational reporting changes that the CEO changed, enabling the company to begin exploring implementation of an ERP system? Question #2: Based on the facts presented in the case, after examining Ciscos motivation for implementing an ERP system: What was wrong with the status quo circa 1994? Why was an ERP solution seen as the best approach? Question #3 Based on the facts presented in the case: How did the Cisco IT release team go about selecting the specific ERP vendor? Do you think that the way that the team made the decision was sound? Why? Why not? Question #4 – Based on the facts presented in the case: What factors had made the difference between success and failure of the Cisco ERP project? Question #5 Based on the facts presented in the case: Where had the Cisco ERP team been “smart’? Where had the Cisco ERP team been just plain lucky? Question #6 Based on the facts presented in the case: How important is the ERP to the overall architecture? Do you see the ERP component as something that will be undertaken by some, most or all companies at they build their Information Age IT architectures? Question #7: After reading the Cisco Systems Architecture: ERP and Web-enabled IT Case consider the following topics: What were the key factors that enabled the team to implement ERP in 9 months at Cisco? Describe the analysis that the team presented to the Board for the Go/NoGo decision? Did the Board have a real choice here? Evaluate the analysis made to recommend ERP to the Board, and the quality of the justification. Question #8: Do you think that Cisco team could do such a project again if they had to? Why, or why not? *Do not include the questions on the paper just number the answers.* *No resources please, just the article attached to this order.*