Evaluate the patient treatment options for neurological disorders Understand and apply key terms, concepts, and principles related to neurological disorders
Diagnosing Neurological Disorders.
Case Study 80-year-old male Caucasian male brought to the clinic by his wife concerned about his “memory problems”. Per the wife, she has noticed his memory declining but has never interfered with his daily activities until now. He is unable to remember his appointments and heavily relies on written notes for reminder. Just last week, he got lost driving and was not found by his family until 8 hours later. He is unable to use his cell phone or recall his home address or phone number. He has become a “hermit” per his wife. He has withdrawn from participating with church activities and has become less attentive. PMH: HTN, controlled Prostate cancer 20 years ago Dyslipidemia SH: no alcohol or tobacco use; needs assistance with medications PE: VS stable, physical exam unremarkable Assess differential diagnoses for patients with neurological disorders Analyze the role of patient information in differential diagnosis for neurological disorders Evaluate the patient treatment options for neurological disorders Understand and apply key terms, concepts, and principles related to neurological disorders Analyze pattern recognition in patient diagnoses PLEASE USE PEER REVIEW JOURNAL REFERENCES! The following are some of the sources you can use to write this paper: Lawrence, M., Fraser, H., Woods, C., & McCall, J. (2011). Secondary prevention of stroke and transient ischemic attack. Nursing Standard, 26(9), 41–46. Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article examines risk factors for stroke and explores prevention methods for patients at high risk of suffering from strokes. Lawrence, M., Kerr, S., Watson, H. E., Jackson, J., & Brownlee, M. G. (2009). A summary of the guidance relating to four lifestyle risk factors for recurrent stroke. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 5(10), 471–476. Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article explores lifestyle and behavioral risk factors for stroke. It also describes the role of nurses in educating patients about stroke prevention.