evaluate the relationship between development and vulnerability

evaluate the relationship between development and vulnerability; Students will compare current efforts to prevent and respond to disasters at the international level; Students will examine the cultures, theories, principles, and practices of emergency management from a global perspective; Students will identify and analyze the obstacles that inhibit disaster risk reduction at the international level; Students will recognize the disaster related challenges and opportunities at the international level Students will select a country (other than the United States) and any natural, technological, or manmade hazards. Once selected, students will create a 7-slide power point that communicates the following information: Slide 1 Your full name, class, semester, and a tasteful image consistent with the course topics. Slide 2 The hazard and vulnerability profile of the country (including the hazard you selected). This may include a combination of images and text. This slide should address the question From a hazard and vulnerability perspective, what should this country be concerned about. Slide 3 A comparison of the U.S. hazard and vulnerability profile compared to your selected country. This may also include a combination of images and text. This slide should address the question How do the hazards and vulnerabilities of the United States compare to the country you selected. Slide 4, 5, and 6 Analysis on the specific hazard you selected and 3 plausible / realistic preparedness or mitigation activities that can either enhance the readiness of the country for this hazard or reduce/eliminate the impact of the hazard on the country. These slides should address the question What realistic pre-disaster options are available for this country to implement. Slide 7 Explanation on the challenges and opportunities in emergency management as it relates to the country you selected. This slide should address the question What issues will emergency managers in this country address in the future. Any image or content will need to be appropriately cited and referenced in the footer of the slide. If students do not provide the appropriate credit for material that is not their own, they are plagiarizing and will receive a grade penalty. This project will be graded based on how clearly the comparative analysis is conducted (25%), grammar (10%), level of detail in the hazard analysis (25%), and completeness (40%).

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