Evaluation Evaluation section must include a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of the intervention

Nursing community at risk population

Guidelines- APA format I will upload example document to follow Implementation section must include an exhaustive list of possible therapeutic nursing interventions for resolving the priority diagnosis and an analysis of these interventions, including, • Organizing the list by level of prevention. • Identifying the driving and restraining forces affecting each possible intervention. • Developing a program with rationale to attempt to implement. Evaluation Evaluation section must include a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of the intervention, including, • Identification of process and structure as well as outcome criteria. • A timetable for evaluating the process, structure, and the outcome. Use nursing journal, medical cites reputable resources HERE IS AT RISK Topic: Summit County African-American age 25-44 is at risk for Diabetes RELATED TO : • Lack of knowledge and understanding of the disease process. (H) • Lack of knowledge of sign and symptoms of diabetes. (H) • Higher risk of morbidity compared to the State of Ohio. (E) • Higher percentage of black males who are overweight/ obese compared to the state of Ohio. (E) • Higher percentage of black males who do not consume fruits and vegetables compared to the state of Ohio. (A) • Lack of Knowledge on how to choose food from healthy food groups (H) • Lack of resources for exercise, weight loss, and healthy diet (E) • Higher rate of poverty of the population compared to the State. (E) Outcome/ goals and objectives- HEADING Implementation- HEADING Primary Prevention – HEADING MUST INCLUDE, health education, services, policy and empowerment Secondary Prevention HEADING MUST INCLUDE, health education, services, policy and empowerment Tertiary Prevention- HEADING MUST INCLUDE, health education, services, policy and empowerment Education examples  Newspapers  Television  Billboards  Radio  Busses  Churches  Social clubs Services  Create new services  Expand current services – more or different sites, times, more/different staff  Improve accessibility, acceptability  Advertise services Empowerment  Create or assist in the creation of neighborhood groups, council, neighborhood watch  Train community members to be sources of information or referral  Empower the disenfranchised Policy setting example  Create/generate new laws, ordinances  Alter old policies or expand current policies  Examples – cigarette smoking, helmet/seat belt laws, domestic violence  Philadelphia – made STD content part of the required health curriculum Evaluation – heading OUTCOME, PROCESS AND STRUCTURE– all need 6-7 objectives, evaluation method and time frame. All percentages, evaluations and time frames are all made up (not real) – refer to example papers THE FORMAT MUST BE THE SAME AS EXAMPLE PAPERS

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