Explain how you segmented your wireless network from other parts of the network.

Add Wireless Network Access PointsEach floor, with the exception of the basement (the basement does not need wireless), needs to have two wireless access points, one for the north end of the building, and the other for the south. However, the wireless access points will overlap in the middle of the building, so you need to pick different wireless network channels for each end. On the first floor, there should be an additional wireless access point in the conference room for guests.The “guest” network should have a different SSID than the company’s wireless network. It should be configured to allow anyone to connect with a password. The password will be provided by the receptionist to any visitors and will be changed each week. The company wireless network should be configured to have the same SSID on all of the wireless network access points (but different from the “guest” network). It should be configured with WPA-2 Enterprise with AES and should be connected to the company’s servers for authentication (Windows Server with RADIUS server enabled for the Active Directory).Note: You might want to review this informative webpage (http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles-tutorials/windows-server-2008/Setting-up-Wi-Fi-Authentication-Windows-Server-2008-Part1.html) to see how to configure Windows Server to handle the authentication for the access points.Place your network access points on your network diagram you did for Homework #2. Segment the wireless network separately from the wired network so that it is on its own subnet. Segment the visitor wireless network so it’s on its own subnet, separate from both the wired network and the company wireless network.Label each access point with its own IP address and basic configuration. Each device should have its own name, IP address and should list its configuration in terms of encryption protocol (TKIP, AES, 3-DES or None) and authentication protocol (WPA, WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise, WPA-2, WEP, etc, none, etc). Identify the SSIDs that are used for each device.Place the wireless access points in the building. You may use this Floor Plan.Create a Network DiagramYour network diagram needs to include the following elements:Each Wireless Access Point (WAP)Each WAP’s critical configuration details – name, IP address, SSID, connection protocols, encryption protocols and wireless channelThe Windows authentication server – including name, IP address, and important configuration detailsAdditional switches and connections between the building’s floors to establish the network(s)IP Address ranges that will be assigned to network devices when they join the wireless networks Network Documentation Your network design document needs to explain each of the elements in your wireless network design. Explain how you segmented your wireless network from other parts of the network. Describe what security settings you might want to implement in your router. Describe the reason for the number of access points that you need on each floor.What to Turn InFor assignments that require you to submit Visio work, please export your file and submit as a PDF. Also, please submit your original Visio file.You also need to turn in a .doc/.docx file that explains your network diagram elements. Include snapshots from your network diagram in your .doc/.docx file – and annotate your diagram snapshots to better help your explanation of your network.Attached is the “Floor Plan” that needs to be used.

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