Explain the basics of macronutrients, how they are metabolized by the human body, and impacts of over- or under-consumption regarding Alzheimer’s.

September 10, 2019 Off All,


Alzheimer’s Essay Requirements

1. Condition: Alzheimer’s 2. Go to website www.healthypeople.gov Type in Alzheimer’s Review Healthy People 2020 goals and current status of Alzheimer’s in America. How common is Alzheimer’s, who is most impacted, and is its incidence, prevalence and /or mortality increasing or decreasing? 3. Discuss the role food/diet plays in the pathophysiology and prevalence of Alzheimer’s. What specific foods or food groups may be particularly beneficial for preventing or curing Alzheimer’s? 4. Identify public health best practices for addressing the nutrition-related public health problem of Alzheimer’s. Highlight at least two innovative community interventions/strategies to promote healthy diets that would impact Alzheimer’s. 5. Analyze whether national policies help or hinder efforts to promote health in our country in general and as related to Alzheimer’s. 6. Discuss cultural issues and other special/disparate population topics which may impact dietary/food choices and implications for public health interventions related Alzheimer’s. As seen from above, this essay deals Food, Medicine and Public Health This essay will provide readers with a greater understanding of the role food plays in Alzheimer’s. The essay will examine the intersection between the American diet and food system, the medical system and public health efforts to promote healthier lifestyles. Focus areas will include basics about nutrition and a healthy diet, as it pertains to Alzheimer’s, its etiologies and pathophysiology, how our diets and our food system are contributing to Alzheimer’s in our country, how food can be a medicine/cure for Alzheimer’s, how public health is impacted by our food system and diets, and how medical, public health and food production interventions should be modified to promote health and well-being. Essay goals: 1. Readers will gain an understanding of Alzheimer’s, and the role food/nutrients play in the pathophysiology and prevention/cure of the disease. 2. Readers will become educated supporters of personal and public health interventions to promote health through diet. Essay Objectives: Upon reading this essay, regarding Alzheimer’s, the reader will be able to: 1. Explain the basics of macronutrients, how they are metabolized by the human body, and impacts of over- or under-consumption regarding Alzheimer’s. 2. Explain the basics of common micronutrients, how they are metabolized by the body, and impacts of over- or under-consumption regarding Alzheimer’s. 3. Describe current consumption patterns of nutrients in the US, and the impact of these consumption patterns have on Alzheimer’s. 4. Explain the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s in the US, and how diet is related to the development of this disease. 5. Describe the importance of public health policy and practice in combatting nutrition-related disease Alzheimer’s.. 6. Analyze the impact of our current food patterns and production systems on the environment and human health. 7. Discuss the importance of primary prevention as a key strategy in policy development. 8. Discuss current public health efforts to promote health through dietary and food production changes, and analyze their impact. 9. Apply evidence-based strategies to propose nutrition related interventions to promote health in the US. 10. Recognize the appropriate role of cultural health on diet and disease patterns in the US. 11. Understand specific diet concerns for vulnerable populations, and factors which contribute to disparate health.

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