Explain the difference between revenue and expenditure in the health system.
Explain the difference between revenue and expenditure in the health system. (150 words 10%)
This assignment requires to answer below 3 questions, using approximately 150 words 10% for each answer, excluding references. Use in-text citation and referencing in APA referencing format to support your discussion. 1. Explain the difference between revenue and expenditure in the health system. (150 words 10%) 2. What is Activity Based Funding and how are funding allocations determined in the NSW Health System? (150 words 10%) 3. Describe Casemix and the Australian DRG system of classification. (150 words 10%) Please use the below references or any other significant refences in your expertise. https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/ australias-welfare/australias-welfare2017/contents/table-of-contents https://www.aihw.gov.au/publicationdetail/?id=60129544658 https://budget.gov.au/201617/content/bp1/html/ https://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/ download/library/prspub/4687808/ uploadbinary/4687808.pdf;?leType= application/pdf