Explain the Founding Fathers motives for creating the Constitution and its impact.
Critical Essay #2: The Constitution, Race, and Religion Due Thursday August 1st by 11:59pm in Canvas Explain the Founding Fathers motives for creating the Constitution and its impact. OR Analyze Thomas Jefferson and his views on race and the republic. OR What transformed American Christianity during the Second Great Awakening? In approximately 750 well-chosen words, critically analyze several of the following sources to answer this question: Prompt 1 John Hollitz, Motivation in History: The Founding Fathers and the Constitution [CH 5] Mercy Otis Warren, Observations on the New Constitution (PDF) Patrick Henrys Speech to the Virginia Convention (PDF) James Madison, The Bill of Rights (PDF) The Founding Fathers and the Constitution (PowerPoint) ________________________________________ Prompt 2 John Hollitz, Ideas in History: Race in Jeffersons Republic [CH 6] Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence (PDF Canvas) The Founding Fathers and the Constitution (PowerPoint) ________________________________________ Prompt 3 John Hollitz, The Problem of Historical Causation: The Second Great Awakening [CH 7] Biography of America: The Reform Impulse [Video Lecture] o Link: https://www.learner.org/series/biographyofamerica/prog08/transcript/index.html You are also strongly encouraged to use your lecture and discussion notes from class and also various Canvas resources such as student posted discussions and PowerPoints to help create your interpretation (argument). DO NOT USE OUTSIDE RESOURCES. In your essay answer the question by analyzing the primary sources listed. Use direct or indirect quotes from the texts to help craft your answer and to also support it. Make these selections wisely and include those that interest you most and help you answer the question. Remember, no argument will be convincing if there is no evidence to reinforce what is being stated. Format: Your essays should be typed, double spaced and in a size 12 font that is appropriate for a formal paper. Avoid using first person pronouns like I or me. Instead, let the sources do the talking. This should help to keep your paper formal. Example: Instead of: I argue that the legacy of the United States in the 1950s is commonly overgeneralized and underappreciated. To me, this era was not the epitome of homogenization and conformism but a time of resistance that culminated into revolt. Do This: According to the [document/author] the legacy of the United States is commonly overgeneralized and underappreciated. The source(s) make it apparent that this era was not the epitome of homogenization and conformism, but a time of resistance that culminated into revolt. Include your thesis statement in your introduction and underline it. Citation Requirements: Be sure to ALWAYS cite the source after using direct quotes or paraphrases. Use the title of the source or the authors name as a reference. Examples for primary sources: (Second Letter, p2) or (Las Casas, p1) Examples for secondary sources: (Hollitz, p23) or (Engstrand, p4) The purpose behind the citation is so the reader can always reference and quickly find where it is you received this information. If you are currently using a citation style in another course and would like to apply it to this essay that is fine with me. Just be sure it is an approved academic style (MLA, APA, Chicago etc.) No late essays will be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS. Early submits are welcomed.