Explore conflict management principles and professional integrity through review of healthcare personnel conflict management review.


Explore conflict management principles and professional integrity through review of healthcare personnel conflict management review.
This conflict management assignment gives you the opportunity to review common conflict scenarios in clinical practice, and reflect on appropriate resolution strategies. This gives you a review of an evidence based approach to a training conflict management in healthcare settings.
Critically access conflict management as it relates to team building in clinical practice

Students will reference the conflict case management study from the nursing literature. Students will develop a summary and reflection consensus of strategies used to resolve the case review. Support your summary using a minimum of three academically credible sources in addition to the source provided.

Please retrieve and read the following Journal article from the Library.


Forbat, L., Simons, J., Sayer, C., Davies, M., Barclay, S (2017). Training pediatric healthcare staff in recognizing, understanding and managing conflict with patients and families: findings from a survey on immediate 6-month impact. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 102 (3): 250.

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