explore the positive and negative aspects of conflict and discuss negotiation and resolution as a nursing professional.
The College of Nurses of Ontario states, Conflict that is managed effectively by nurses can lead to personal and organizational
growth. If conflict is not managed effectively, it can hinder a nurses ability to provide quality client care (Conflict Prevention,
2009, p.3). The purpose of this paper is for each student to examine the concept of conflict as experienced by nurses. Using a personal
encounter, the student will explore the positive and negative aspects of conflict and discuss negotiation and resolution as a nursing
1. Write a scholarly paper about conflict resolution.
2. Report format ( cites and sources)
3. Minimum of 4 scholarly articles
Maximum of 1 textbook, and non-scholarly source newspaper.
4. The College of Nurses of Ontario
This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade.
The following critiquing criteria are generic criteria for determining the quality of a paper. You may find these helpful when
preparing your paper and reviewing paper feedback. Criteria specific to each assignment will be developed collaboratively in class and
should be used in conjunction to the generic scholarly paper criteria listed below.
A paper receiving an A grade (80 100) will exhibit the following characteristics. It:
¢ Defines a focused introduction
¢ Reflects critical thinking and insight
¢ Displays creativity and freshness of thought
¢ Has a unique perspective which is well reasoned
¢ Addresses the fundamental problem, issue or concern
¢ Has a clear thesis statement and clearly defined parameters
¢ Answers objections and provides objections to competing views
¢ Clearly states the implications
¢ Displays consistent, logical thought and connectedness throughout the entirety of the paper
¢ Integrates library research that is current and relevant in an intelligent manner
¢ Draws clear, well-reasoned conclusions
¢ States assumptions clearly
¢ Contains no spelling, grammatical and APA errors
The paper receiving a B grade (70 79) will exhibit the following characteristics. It:
¢ Deals accurately with the basic problems, issues or concerns
¢ Has small, limited deviations such as lapses in logic, missing or incorrect evidence and support
¢ Has some limitations in the type and integration of research material
¢ Demonstrates sound thinking
¢ Confines the depth of analysis to the obvious with subtle points missing or confusing
¢ Contains very few, minor spelling, grammar and APA errors
The paper receiving a C grade (60 69) will exhibit the following characteristics. It:
¢ Contains more commonplace ideas, with a generally weak grasp of the topic
¢ Weak or strained introduction and dull, repetitive conclusion
¢ Evidence of an attempt to supply documentation, but this is weak
¢ Limited vocabulary, style is predictable but with adequate sentence variation and paragraphing
¢ Little evidence of integration or critical thinking
¢ Significant lapses in consistency, logic and connectedness of the paper as a whole
¢ Some spelling, grammatical and APA errors
The paper receiving a D grade (50 59) will exhibit the following characteristics. It:
¢ Has an introduction and conclusion which are vague, weak and superficial
¢ Is missing important information, not simply a culmination of minor errors or omissions
¢ Demonstrates obvious inconsistencies
¢ Presents repetition of ideas already discussed
¢ Is confusing in its presentation
¢ Lacks depth of understanding and support of the issues
¢ Demonstrates a weak grasp of the topic
¢ Contains many, major spelling, grammatical and APA errors
¢ Poor structural links, paragraphing, with a high incidence of mechanical errors
¢ Limited vocabulary and sentence variety
The paper receiving an F (less than 50) will exhibit the following characteristics. It:
¢ Has a missing introduction and no conclusion
¢ Contains multiple spelling, grammatical and APA errors
¢ Contains information that is not linked to sources or quotes consistent with thoughts conveyed
¢ Demonstrates inconsistencies throughout
¢ Contains ideas that are not conveyed in a manner understandable to reader
¢ Has no clear progression or logical direction of thought
¢ Has no depth of understanding or support for issues presented or referenced
¢ Has no grasp of topic identified
Your papers are critiqued as fairly as possible on a balance of strengths and weaknesses as well as the integrity and connectedness of
the whole paper. Each paper is critiqued on its own merits against the criteria. Papers scoring borderline grades will be checked by
another teacher to ensure consistency and fairness.
You may be asked to have a peer critique your paper before submission. It is helpful to have feedback from others to ensure your
thinking is clear, logical and easily understood by a reader. You may find this feedback is useful in making revisions prior to
handing in the paper. A sample peer critique form is on the next page. (Georgian College, 2016, p. 29)