Explore the role of the professional nurse in healthcare teaching and responsibility to learner with strategies to increase learning based on literature review of scholarly sources.
Patient teaching brochure/handout analysis
Obtain a patient teaching brochure/handout commonly used where you work or seek health care. Analyze the brochure for readability, using one of the readability tests, and the Suitability Assessment of Materials (SAM) in Chapter 7 and appendix A of your textbook. (Obtain a patient teaching brochure/handout commonly used where you work or seek health care. Analyze the brochure for readability, using one of the readability tests, and the Suitability Assessment of Materials (SAM) in Chapter 7 and appendix A of your textbook. (Bastable, S. (2019). Nurse as an educator: Principles of teaching & learning for nursing practice (5th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.) Explore the role of the professional nurse in healthcare teaching and responsibility to learner with strategies to increase learning based on literature review of scholarly sources. Explore the role of the professional nurse in healthcare teaching and responsibility to learner with strategies to increase learning based on literature review of scholarly sources. Review Module A Grading Rubric to prepare your assignment. Review Module A Grading Rubric before submission for successful achievement of Module A objectives. Work and submit assignment individually. All papers will be automatically scanned for evidence of plagiarism. Additional Resources American Psychological Association (2009). Publication manual of the american psychological association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Review your state Board of Nursing legal mandates and guidelines for education of patients and families: TX BOARD OF NSG website https://www.bon.texas.gov/ TX BON Nursing Rule (F) 217.11, TX Administrative Code TX PON Nursing Position Statements 15.28 RN Scope of Practice Explore the JCAHO standards for patient education: www.jcaho.org (Links to an external site.) Sources/references may be taken from the end of the textbook chapters and reliable internet resources.