Find a case that would have been helpful to either counsel in the case you observed and reported on

Part I Instructions:

You must go and observe a hearing at an Ontario labour/employment tribunal (WSIB/WSIAT, PEHT, OHRT, OLRB, etc). You must make all travel arrangements yourself. You are responsible for ensuring that there are hearings that are open to the public on the day and time you intend to go. You must observe one hearing and prepare a report (the Report) based on your observations. You need not stay until the end of the hearing if it looks like it will go all day. I expect you to spend 2-3 hours observing; not necessarily more.

In your Report, you must provide:
1) The names of the parties involved;
2) The type of action; and
3) A summary of what you observed, including things like:
a. What are the facts at hand? (if discussed during your observation)
b. What is at issue?
c. What arguments were made by each of the parties?
d. Was any conclusion reached?
e. Any interesting arguments, facts, procedures, or comments from the parties/adjudicator?
f. Who represented the parties? i.e. self-represented, lawyer(s), paralegal(s), other?

Part II Instructions

Find a case that would have been helpful to either counsel in the case you observed and reported on (please ensure that the case has not been discussed in the course textbook). Provide a case brief* on that case AND explain why the case you chose would have been relevant to either counsel at the proceeding you observed.
FACTS provide a brief summary of all relevant facts in full sentences
ISSUE(S) what is/are the issue(s) of law at hand?
REASON/LAW what is/are the law(s) being considered? Be sure to pinpoint section numbers and include the full and proper statute citation
ANALYSIS provide a summary of the decision makers legal analysis
CONCLUSION what was the outcome of the case? I.e. what did the decision-maker decide?

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