For the consumer assessment you are required to choose a consumer from within your practice in the field of mental health nursing for your assessment.

Comprehensive Consumer Assessment
You are required to complete the following Comprehensive Consumer
Assessment Task.
The Assignment should include a brief introduction that will provide an outline of the assignment to follow. Any additional information deemed relevant by the author should be included as an Appendix.
The assignment should be submitted through Turnitin

Instructions on the Consumer Assessment Task:
You are required to complete the following consumer assessment task.
1. For the consumer assessment you are required to choose a consumer from within your practice in the field of mental health nursing for your assessment.
2. You should seek to choose a consumer with whom you will be able to do more than one interview (or will have regular contact).
3. You are required to choose a consumer with whom you would already have had regular contact in the course of undertaking your work as a mental health nurse, and base your assessment upon any interactions that you would normally have had with that consumer

4. You are required to maintain the consumer’s confidentiality and anonymity at all times (I’d suggest you create a pseudonym for this).
5. You are required to complete the consumer assessment by utilising:
• Consumer Interviews
• Case Notes
• Other appropriate information sources
Please note, that information sourced must be noted / referenced within your consumer assessment.
6. You will also be required to incorporate into your assignment any appropriate consumer assessment tools such as the Suicide Rating Scale and HoNOS that you have used. These can be same the tool(s) that you have already critiqued as part of an earlier assessment if you would like and are to be attached as an Appendix.
7. You are also required to undertake and journal your reflections on the process of completing the assessment as you go along. You will then include this as the final (separate) section of the assignment as a personal reflection. This section is expected to be approximately 500 words in size.
8. A Checklist and Example Format is included below for your use though you can utilise a different structure for your assignment if would like to do so. A Marking Guide is also included. If you decide to use a different structure for your assignment please make sure that you have met all the requirements of the marking guide.
9. As with the first Assessment Task you must support your writing with appropriate references from the literature in areas such as [1] key concepts and ideas, [2] skills utilised/ applied, [3] theoretical constructs or models [4] symptoms and diagnoses, [5] communication strategies / observations and [6] any other situations where your writing is based upon prior knowledge / literature.

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