For this assessment task you will be required to work with a group of your peers to research, develop and deliver a written report on a given topic
Ban all food ads! the influence of advertising on food choice in childhood Poster to be aimed at children or their families
The heading is “Report” our structure as a group is.. Intro/description of topic/conclusion 4 evidence pieces and I am assigned with evidence pieces at the moment. Nutritionist work with teams on a regular basis. For this assessment task you will be required to work with a group of your peers to research, develop and deliver a written report on a given topic. Provide a written evidence-based review of the topic Develop and demonstrate team working skills Develop appropriate academic writing skills The unit learning outcome(s) assessed are: Investigate the evidence base associated with the Australian Guide for Healthy Eating and the practical application of this across the lifespan; Apply the dietary requirements for the maintenance of growth, development and health across each stage of the lifespan; Elaborate on how the physical, biological, social, behavioural and environmental factors change the dietary requirements across the lifespan; and Critically review and evaluate the literature on health across the lifespan, and justify their selection of scientific evidence to support nutrition solutions LENGTH Written group report: 1000 words per student DUE DATE Report due by 11.59pm on the day of session 9 DETAILS In session 1 you will be assigned to a group of approximately 4-5 students and given a topic You will submit a group written report which will be a detailed literature review that summarises the evidence base for your topic. (1200 words per student) Your report should cover the following An introduction to the topic under consideration with clear statement of what you will cover in the report A summary of the peer-reviewed literature and evidence-based guidelines relating to your topic, including the strengths and limitations of this A clear conclusion with recommendations for future research and practice All students are expected to contribute equally to the research and development of the report. INSTRUCTIONS Meet with your group and agree communication strategy and divide the workload evenly between the member. Agree a timeline for completion of tasks. Search for credible, peer-reviewed literature on the topic or specific aspect assigned Synthesize the relevant literature and share with group; Agree what should be included in the report; draft the report integrating work from all group members Edit the report for clarity of argument and consistency with the rubric