For this assignment, you will be writing a concise literary analysis comparing two passages, one taken from the Bible (whether the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament or the New Testament) and one taken from the Quran.
Religion (Christianity, Judaism, Islam)
For this assignment, you will be writing a concise literary analysis comparing two passages, one taken from the Bible (whether the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament or the New Testament) and one taken from the Quran. These parallel passages discuss similar or the same themes, but treat them in significantly different ways determined by their context (ancient Israelite, early Christian, Islamic). The identity of Jesus: John 1 and Q. 3:4257 Gods commandments to believers: Exodus 20 and Q. 5:17 The fall of Adam and Eve: Genesis 23 and Q. 20:115123 Your analysis should compare and contrast the two passages youve selected, isolating and discussing three or four points of similarity or difference that seem most relevant for determining the importance of each passage to the tradition that regards it as authoritative. Your discussion should draw on what youve learned about these texts from lecture and the textbook reading in order to properly contextualize them. Your literary analysis should open with a brief introduction with a clear thesis statement; make its main argumentative points in sequential body paragraphs discussing the similarities and differences between the two texts; and end with a brief conclusion restating the papers main points. As you are drawing your textual citations from the primary texts assigned for class, you do not need formal citations, footnotes, or a bibliography. You must use the NRSV version of the Bible and the Abdel Haleem translation of the Quran. Your analysis should be concise but well-informed. The suggested length of your essay is three to four pages (and no more; your TA will not read past page 4). Your paper should be doublespaced, in 12-point font, with 1 margins.