Formulate a clear well-written research question or statement of problem that is well justified.

November 17, 2019 Off All,


Half Draft Subject: Capstone Project – Half Draft Points: 15 Learning Outcomes Consistent with the course syllabus, this assignment aims to have students demonstrate the following: Formulate a clear well-written research question or statement of problem that is well justified. Demonstrate deterministic or cause and effect logic in your research question or statement of research problem. Convey the Project’s conceptual structure via the previously produced outline that has now been transformed into a well-organized and well-written APA formatted Table of Contents. Collect valid academic and professional information or data relevant to that research question or statement of problem. Evaluate and analyze published literature specific to the research question or statement of research problem. Present findings or results using a discipline-specific and well-written medium (i.e., APA style). Instructions This submission must be formatted using the APA style (Cover Page, Executive Summary or Abstract, a Table of Contents [your Table of Contents will reflect, in heading and subheading form, your finalized outline], your written work and your reference page/s). This means that all you produce for this submission must be APA formatted. Further, all you produce for this submission will be submitted as one Word file. To ensure you remain on track to finish your Capstone Project before the semester ends, I have designed this course so you are regularly submitting work. Toward that end, for this submission you will submit no less than a half draft of your Capstone Project. Looking at your finalized outline, I expect half of that outline to have been incorporated into this submission. If, upon completing half of the outline, your written work (excluding cover page, Executive Summary or Abstract, Table of Contents, and Reference page(s)) is less than 12 pages of double-spaced typed 11 or 12 point font text in Word, you will need to keep writing. You may submit more of your project on that date but to submit less will result in a loss of points. Please contact me in advance of the due date if you have any questions regarding these instructions. Be Aware of the Following Be sure you are formatting your work correctly using the APA style, including both in-text and reference citations. Pay attention to quality writing. Do not write in the first person. The word “I” should not appear in your writing. This Capstone Project is to be written in the third-person. Since you now have a finalized outline, I want to see a Table of Contents immediately after your cover page and abstract/executive summary page. Let me make a few additional comments about the Table of Contents. When you were creating your working outline and finalized outline, I requested that the outline sections (e.g., the A, B, C and A1, A2, B1, B2, B3 sections, etc.) be expressed in sentence format. By doing this, I hoped to get a better idea of what you would be discussing in that section. It is now time to turn those descriptive sentences into first level, second level and, where applicable, third level headings. Your Table of Contents will reflect the various headings that were once your outline. So, there will be no more need for the Roman numerals, the A, B, Cs and numbered elements of your outline. I am looking now for primary headings, secondary headings and third level headings. Cite your sources internally (in-text) using the APA style. Do not plagiarize! Paraphrase well. Using direct quotes is okay but only in a limited fashion. Extensive use of direct quotes will not be allowed. You may have been allowed to quote extensively in other courses but you will not be allowed to do that in this course/for this Capstone Project. If you do not understand what I am requesting here, you need to contact me well before the due date. Unfortunately, too many students wait until the day before assignments are due to ask questions. This is simply not acceptable. If an employee were to approach their employer with pivotal questions the day before a project was due, the employee would likely be approaching an employment office within the next few days. If this is your habit, please break it before you graduate. It could be the best thing you ever did for yourself. What I am asking for must be submitted as one Word file of no less than 12 pages (excluding cover page, abstract, table of contents, and references page(s). The latter do NOT count toward the page minimum requirement. (15 pts.).

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