Formulate a qualitative research question that can be investigated by observing people interacting in a public setting.

research.1. Formulate a qualitative research question that can be investigated by observing people interacting in a public setting.
This project is a small field assignment and written report based on formulation of Qualitative Research Question and field research.1. Formulate a qualitative research question that can be investigated by observing people interacting in a public setting.

This is a Narrative assignment with creative writing .write a 3 page narrative paper describing the setting and behaviors observed. Apply creative representation included in writing, creating images and thick descriptions. **I observed homeless people living in Penn Station Manhattan New York, Penn Station Manhattan New York, dirty, rats, homeless people sleeping on floors, that have urine on them, people lack hygiene, homeless people singing and dancing trying to make money, and commuters, etc) The narrative should have detailed, descriptive, rich information. The author should paint a picture of the setting for the reader. APA FORMAT. CO **I observed homeless people living in Penn Station Manhattan New York. The paper should capture Settings: Penn Station Manhattan New York Behavior: me the observer (communication: verbal,facial expressions, body language) Conversation: what I hear, what I can’t hear Characteristics: homeless people the commuter ( how are they dressed, grooming smell) **Connect what I observed to a larger concept. Offer conclusions about how social interaction is accomplished in this setting. **What are key findings observed and what is the significance ti the homeless culture? **Capture the spirit or mood of the setting (homeless people, happy, sad , commuters , faced paced environment, people rushing around **Reflecting: self reflection, my bias,preferences preconceptions about the homeless people living in Penn Station Manhattan New York, why? How they end up homeless? Are they mentally ill?Do they have a drug addiction? **Analysis: Analyze the data collected **Make interpretation based on my observation objective data **Explain key findings from my research and how it applies to the greater population or culture 1. What Are there unwritten rules of the group? 2.What is the power structure? 3.Did any themes emerge? 4.How does this apply to society at large and to nursing in particular? 5.How did this research impact me, my preconceptions, and biases? APA FORMAT, style, grammar, spelling, **Writing style Including Level 1 and Level 2 headings

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