Formulate a theory-based treatment plan including short-and long-term goals for the couples or familys issues.

Application: Applying Narrative and Solution-Focused Therapy
The Assignment (46 pages)Based on the theory demonstrated in the narrative video:
Define the problem.
Formulate a theory-based treatment plan including short-and long-term goals for the couples or familys issues.
Describe two theory-based interventions you would use and
justify your selection.
Explain one anticipated outcome of each.
Based on the theory demonstrated in the solution-focused video:
Define the problem.
Formulate a theory-based treatment plan including short-and long-term goals for the couples or familys issues.
Describe two theory based interventions you would use and
justify your selection.
Explain one anticipated outcome of each (Publisher). (1994a).
Id hear laughter: Finding solutions for the family[Video file]. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
The approximate length of this media piece is
1 hour and 45 minutes. (Publisher). (1994b). Irreconcilable
differences: A solution-focused approach to marital therapy[Video file].
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
The approximate length of this media piece is
90 minutes.
Allyn & Bacon. (Publisher). (2002b). Narrative therapy with children
. [Video file].

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