Given the information in the case, identify FIVE global issues/factors that you believe will have impact on the companys decision to go GLOBAL
As part of Final Exam, each student has been randomly assigned a case for analysis on an individual-basis. Please do not exchange your case with other students in class. For this, each of you will receive a email in which I will specify the assigned case for you, along with the instructions listed below. In addition, I will also email you within the Blackboard site of this course. The cases are from the textbook required in this course: O. C. Ferrell and Michael Hartline, Marketing Strategy: Text and Cases, 7th edition, 2017, Cengage Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-1-337-29651-9; ISBN-10: 1-337-29651-1. No other edition of the textbook permitted. The following must be covered in the submission of your Final Exam: –Cover page: Case Title, Your Full Name, Course Number, Summer Session I, 2019 –Table of Contents: List of Contents in the left most column and page numbers on the right most column. 1. SWOT Analysis (no more than two pages)20 points: Organize in a table with SWOT items and justification for each SWOT item. 2. What are the main issues or problems faced by the company in the case? Be specific and justify your answer with appropriate symptoms and factors related to the issues/problems you have identified in the case–(no more than two pages)20 points. 3. What specific solutions or recommendations do you have to resolve the issues or solve the problems you have identified in Item#2? Be sure to relate your solutions/recommendations to the issues/problems in the case–(no more than two pages)20 points 4. Assume that you have been appointed as Vice President of Global Operations for the company in the assigned case. You have now been given the responsibility of exploring global opportunities for the company. Given the information in the case, identify FIVE global issues/factors that you believe will have impact on the companys decision to go GLOBAL. Be specific (that is, no generic answers) and be sure to assess the impact of each these factors from the companys perspective. (No more than three pages)–25 points