Go to a website to determine your ecological footprint and your own impact on global climate change https://www.earthday.org/take-action/footprint-calculator/
November 16, 2019 Off All,
Go to a website to determine your ecological footprint and your own impact on global climate change https://www.earthday.org/take-action/footprint-calculator/ a. Take 5 quizzes to test knowledge about the environment. (You do NOT need to report the results of these quizzes individually unless you wish to.) b. Were you surprised by what you found? Why or why not? c. Go through the Plastic Pollution Calculator to find out your own scores (https://www.earthday.org/plastic-calculator/) d. Describe how you scored. Were you surprised by what you found? Click the “Take Action” link to see how you can get involved. e. Go to Earthwatch www.earthwatch.org, click on your part of the world, and then click on “get involved.” How might you work with others to use social capital to connect (1) different groups on your campus, (2) different groups in your surrounding community, and (3) on campus and surrounding community to work together to address global climate change? f. Can you recall a time when someone gave you discouraging feedback when you attempted to engage in a conversation about global climate change or participate in relevant social activism? If so, why do you think the person discouraged you? How do you think you could have approached that conversation or activity in a way that would have been better able to engage that person positively? This assignment contains largely 3 subsections: testing your ecological knowledge, calculating your own plastic pollution scores, and seriously reflecting the environmental problems by taking actions. Please, make sure to address all questions of this assignment and whenever possible, remember to incorporate and apply the textbook lessons in this module. ** Please, consider the Earthday org and Earthwatch org as resourceful websites to get involved in addressing ecological problems. You do not need to join the organization or sign-up for concrete actions to complete this assignment. (You don’t even need to click on “get involved” to survey various resources that earthwatch.org provides. But take a look at educational materials and scientific research that they conduct, for example.)