June 2, 2019 Off All,
For this assignment you will need to locate one or more direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertisements for a prescription-only drug or treatment (i.e., this medication cannot be purchased over the counter and can only be acquired with prescription from a physician) that has been recently published in a magazine or newspaper or advertised on television or the internet. (You are welcome to look at advertisements for different drugs, but your paper will be more focused if these drugs treat the same or similar conditions.) You will be looking at your DTC advertisement and analyzing it using the textbook readings and information obtained from one additional outside source (see below for more information on this additional source). You may want to pay special attention to Chapter 11, which discusses health messages in the media; however, information in Chapters 6-8 (cultural implications, demographic issues in health, etc.) and 12-14 (appeals, message development, audience analysis, etc.) may also offer some useful insight. Your analysis should make use of our textbook, but you are also required to cite at least one additional peer-reviewed, scholarly source (i.e., an article from an academic journal). You are allowed to use one of the articles in the “Supplemental Readings” folder in Module 4, or you may locate your own (if you locate your own, be certain the article is from a credible source—consult a reference librarian if necessary). You will want to be sure that you also clearly discuss the concepts/theories you select from the book and the information you read in the additional article and clearly explain how they apply to the DTC ad(s) you selected. It should be clear in your paper that you have completed and understand the readings and have the ability to apply those by making connections to the DTC ad(s) you selected. Your paper should be approximately 4-5 pages long and include a thorough analysis that uses thoughtfully selected, relevant course material to critique and analyze the DTC ad(s) you selected. The paper should be typed in 12-point font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. You will need a clear introduction, conclusion, and transitions between paragraphs. Be sure your name is somewhere on the first page of the paper. Because you will be paraphrasing and quoting information from your sources, please also include a separate reference page in APA (or MLA) style that lists your references (this includes your textbook and the journal article). Your reference page is not part of the 4-5 page requirement for the paper length. You must also submit the DTC ad(s) you use. If you used a print ad(s), please scan and submit the ad(s) with your paper on Canvas or separately to me in email (taking a picture with your smartphone works, too). (If you are unable to submit your ad electronically, please email me to discuss options.). If you analyzed an ad(s) that is available on the internet, please provide the link where the advertisement(s) can be found.