Health Research Board. 2006, Family Support Study. A study of experiences, needs, and support requirements of families with enduring mental illness in Ireland., Health Research Board. Dublin


Please note that this assignment is for a mental health or psychiatric nursing writer .Please see attachment for guide and sample . am available if you needs any further questions,

) Each learner will present a retrospective case study. You will be expected to first present a Gibbs reflection on a process of care you were involved with that has not necessarily facilitated a recovery approach to care.

Thereafter, you will outline a potential process of engagement based on contemporary evidence based practice as explored in class that may have created better outcomes for the client/family and you the practitioner. The potential process of engagement will include: referenced justification and rationale for approach; initial interaction with client/family; negotiated process of care; and based on the relevant literature the potential outcomes for the client and practitioner. The case study will include critical reflection on your potential process in relation to the retrospective case it is based on.

This assignment equals 85% of overall mark

Marks will be awarded for the following:

• clear and coherent structure

• use of Gibbs reflective cycle

• a reflective analysis of the process of engagement through to evaluation of outcomes

• an analysis of any assessments, tools and other interventions potentially planned for with the client/family/group

• clear account of how care would be negotiated and facilitated, including measurable milestones, e.g. goals/interventions

• Critical reflective analysis

• presentation – indicated by proof reading, editing, spell checks and accurate referencing using the Harvard method.

In addition to both assignments, class interaction of 80% or above will be allocated 5% of overall mark

Indicative Reading List

This reading list is advisory and other specifically relevant reading will be provided as part of module delivery

Videbeck, S.L. 2009, Mental Health Nursing,, Woltrers Kluwer London

Gamble, C and Brennan, G. 2006, Working With Serious Mental Illness.,, Elsevier London

Barker, P. (ed) 2003, Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.The Craft of Caring.,, Arnold


Healy, D . 2009, Psychiatric Drugs Explained, 5th Edtn Ed.,, Churchill Livingstone London

Higgins, A. and McDaid, 2014, Mental Health in Ireland. Policy, Practice and Law, Gill and

Macmillan London

Mental Health Commission 2008, A Recovery Approach within the Irish Mental Health Services,MHC Dublin

Nelson-Jones, R. 2010, Theory and Practice of Counselling and Therapy, 5th Ed., Sage London

Stout, C.E. and Hayes, R.A. (eds) 2005, The evidence-based practice: Methods, models and tools for mental health professionals., John Wiley & Sons Hoboken, New Jersey

Repper J & Perkins R. 2003, Social Inclusion and Recovery: A model for mental health practice, Bailliere Tindall Edinburgh

Hatcher, S., Butler, R and Oakley-Brown, M. 2005, Evidence-based mental health care., Elsevier,Edinburgh

Rolfe, G., Freshwater, D. and Jasper, M. 2001, Critical reflection for nursing and the helping

professions., Palgrave Hampshire UK

Health Research Board. 2006, Family Support Study. A study of experiences, needs, and support requirements of families with enduring mental illness in Ireland., Health Research Board. Dublin

Mental Health Commission. 2005, A Vision for a Recovery Model in Irish Mental Health Services., Mental Health Commission. Dublin

Mental Health Commission. 2007, Happy Living Here…A Survey and Evaluation of Community, Residential Mental Health Services in Ireland., Mental Health Commission. Dublin

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