How does evidence from naturally occurring speech errors, such as substitutions, blends, shifts and exchanges, provide a window on the adult speakers language processes? Give examples to support your answer

How does evidence from naturally occurring speech errors, such as substitutions, blends, shifts and exchanges, provide a window on the adult speakers language processes? Give examples to support your answer
ASSIGNMENT 1 (Term 1) INSTRUCTIONS 1. Answer only TWO of the questions from the list below. 2. Each answer should be 1000 words in length. Do not exceed this word limit. 3. Ensure the questions chosen are clearly indicated on your answer paper by either writing out the full question or indicating A, B, C or D. (A) How does evidence from naturally occurring speech errors, such as substitutions, blends, shifts and exchanges, provide a window on the adult speakers language processes? Give examples to support your answer. (B) Describe Hocketts Design Features and explain how they apply or dont apply to the communication of vervet monkeys and one other animal species that has not been discussed in class. Consider how else the communication of these animals might be dis/similar to human language.. (C) Describe the early acquisition of speech sounds by children: what stages do children pass through; what sounds are first to be acquired and what variables appear to influence the order of acquisition of speech sounds? (D) Provide an account of Brocas aphasia. Detail how this syndrome was first identified and its neurological and linguistic characteristics. Assessment Criteria: You will be assessed according to the following criteria (not in order of importance and these do not correlate with any % of the overall mark): Relevance: the extent to which the work has dealt directly and clearly with the assigned task and focused on the particular intellectual issue/problem posed. Coverage: the extent to which the work presents an appropriate range of facts, ideas and primary and secondary sources. Accuracy: the extent to which the information presented is free from factual errors. Structure and organisation: the extent to which the work demonstrates a coherent organisation of the material and presents an overall argument that proceeds logically. Quality of argumentation and critical evaluation: the extent to which the work provides a critical analysis of the problem and evaluates competing arguments, where appropriate. Desscriptive accounts will suffice at Level 4. Quality of expression and presentation: the extent to which the work makes effective and correct use of the English language and is written in a clear and scholarly style (including correct use of referencing, quotations etc. according to departmental criteria). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please consult your Applied Linguistics Student Handbook for all information on assessment procedures for Applied Linguistics modules.

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