How does Freshman in theCollaboration Across the Disciplines of Health Caretextbook define interdisciplinary collaboration in health care organizations?

1.The focus of this week readings isConsider the following scenario and respond to the questions that follow.
Three coworkers approach you angry about a new policy being implemented within the organization. These three individuals are working to round up support to complain to management and they want you to get involved with their efforts.
. How does Freshman in theCollaboration Across the Disciplines of Health Caretextbook define interdisciplinary collaboration in health care organizations? Is this definition consistent with the current practice in your organization? What would need to change in order to improve interdisciplinary collaboration in your department?
2.Consider the following scenario and respond to the questions that follow.
Three coworkers approach you angry about a new policy being implemented within the organization. These three individuals are working to round up support to complain to management and they want you to get involved with their efforts.

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