How does the authors use of language create images about types of people or identities?

Using MLA format, write a well-organized, thoughtful, but critical argumentative analysis of one or two of the texts we have read so far. It should be:

4-6 pages written in standard academic format double-spaced, approximately one-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, and no cover page.

Make sure you provide enough context and evidence to support your argument. This means you will need to provide evidence from the text to support your ideas.

Do NOT over summarize. Keep any necessary summary/context succinct.

**Do not include a quote without breaking it down. The reader needs to understand its relevance to your argument.

Be sure to include a Work(s) Cited page.

Choosing a Topic: Make an argument about what the author is doing with and within text (making a statement about love, marriage, identity, women, etc). Example: How does the author use metaphor and/or symbolism to express ideas about the overall theme of the text? How does a character represent a defect of society? How does the authors use of language create images about types of people or identities? Etc.
Strong analysis requires thinking critically about the subject at hand. The authors in A Students Guide to First-Year Composition state, In order to analyze you need to think critically, which means that you examine your interpretations, assumptions, opinions, and judgments in order to understand and question them.
Texts So Far

Sophocles, o Antigone o Oedipus the King
Molire, Tartuffe
Miguel de Cervantes, o The Two Damsels o The Generous Lover
Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ozymandias Luis de Gongora y Argote, o On the Deceptive Brevity of Life o On Human Ambition o Sacred Temple of Pure Honestly Omar Khayyam o If You Will Listen to Me I Will Give You Some Advice o How Long Will You Blame Us, O Ignorant Man of God

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