How does your jurisdiction classify homicides? Develop a fact scenario that involves the felony murder rule.

Write 4 discussions Board. And 1 project

Explain the purposes of police powers

How does your jurisdiction classify homicides? Develop a fact scenario that involves the felony murder rule.

How does your jurisdiction classify the crimes of robbery and extortion?

Give a factual example in which a Defendant could use the defense of consent and another where a Defendant could use the defense of necessity.

The Project

Youll assume the perspective of a criminal defense attorney whos been asked to consult on two real, high-profile cases: The State of Texas v. Ethan Couch and The State of
Texas v. Eric Miller. Both cases took place in Texas and involve a teenager who drove
while impaired and caused a fatal car crash. However, the outcomes were vastly different: Ethan Couch was given probation, while Eric Miller was sentenced to 20 years
behind bars. District Judge Jean Boyd delivered both sentences.
Youll then write a 350- to 500-word essay that includes all of the required discussion
points listed in the Instructions section.
1. Read the following articles comparing the cases: Fatal Crash in 2004 Drew Different Sentence from Tarrant Judge:
Family of Texas Man Who Got 20 years for Fatal Drunk Driving Crash
by Same Judge Who Sentenced Ethan Couch Outraged Affluenza
Teen is on the Lam:
Judge Who Gave Ethan Couch Probation Gave Another Teen 20 Years
Behind Bars for Fatal DWI Crash:
2. Write a 350- to 500-word essay discussing all of the following points:
Do the facts support charging the defendants in each case with any other
crimes discussed in your text as well as in this study guide? Explain your
answer, which should demonstrate your knowledge of criminal law.
Based on the facts, what defenses were available to each of the defendants
and why?
Based on your knowledge of punishment as discussed in this course,
do the punishments seem fair based on the nature of the crimes? Explain
your answer.
3. Ensure that your essay includes a brief introduction, paragraphs that cover the
required information, and a conclusion.
4. Double-space your essay, with standard one-inch left and right margins. Use a
standard 12-point font, such as Times New Roman.

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