How relationships do affect the sense of home on female residents in a care home
Request: -IPA analysis of 8 interviews -Results presentation -Limitations of study and Analysis (participants age, finding participants intellectually able to understand the study – willing to participate, gatekeeprs co-operation (many refusals – no responses). -3 participants have shown signs of Dementia throughout the interview (one has asked for her mother close to the end, another kept believing that I was a member of staff despite explaining the study and who I was, the third one appeared confused about my presence and refused to sign and eventually we have agreed withdrawn) – Those interviews were not considered. Also, include the limitations of an IPA analysis itself. and -Conclusion A total of 20 pages. This study is meant to explore; How relationships do affect the sense of home on female residents in a care home.
It is based on previous studies, which have found relationships as one of the factors for the sense of home feeling (Rijnaard et al, 2016), (Bland, M., 2005). It will explore further the impact of relationships on homelike feeling and how much it impacts -which previous studies have not address. A different methodology will be used (IPA-Interpretative phenomenological analysis), which aims to explore in depth; experiences, expectations and feelings, emotions in regards the relationships since residents have moved into a care home. The study is based on previous studies made in nursing homes, which have identified the relationships as one of the factors for residents of a care home to feel at home (Bland, M., 2003), (Bland, M., 2005), (Rijnaard et al, 2016). However, none of those studies, have neither explored in-depth how reciprocal relationships affect the sense of home nor used IPA to explore resident`s perceptions and views in regards to those relationships and homelike feeling