How was the interpretation of Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 expanded in 2011 encompass issues of sexual misconduct
Answer the following questions. Answers should be double-spaced and roughly 4-6 pages in length per question. The answers should draw primarily upon examples from the cases depicted in the books, Missoula and Unwanted Advancesthis means Beau and Allison, Keely Williams and Calvin Smith, Kelsey Belnap, Ludlow, Cho, and Hartley, David Barnett, etc. 1. How was the interpretation of Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 expanded in 2011 encompass issues of sexual misconduct (broadly defined to include sexual assault and sexual harassment) on college campuses? What are some of the new requirements? Citing examples from the cases depicted in Missoula and Unwanted Advances, describe the impact of these requirements on: a) the investigation and adjudication of sexual misconduct cases by colleges and universities compared to the courts; b) the rights of both accusers and the accused in cases pertaining to sexual misconduct of all forms; c) gender relations among students and between students and faculty; d) the social and learning environment on college campuses; e) the advancement (or hindrance) of gender equality. 2. Why are Laura Kipnis, Katie Roiphe, George Will, and others skeptical of the statistic indicating that about 1 in 5 women are victims of completed or attempted sexual assault while in college? Why is Kipnis (chapter 4) further skeptical of the assertion that the FBI reports only 2-8% of rape allegations turn out be false? ? What information is obscured by these oft-cited statistics, and how is our ability to address the very serious issue of sexual assault occurring both on college campuses and in society-at-large impeded by the unchallenged acceptance of such statistics? 3. In chapter 5 Kipnis argues, its not gray rape we need to talk about; its the learned compliance of heterosexual femininity. What does she mean by this? Kipnis further maintains that, one of the dirty little secrets of hookup culture is that a significant proportion of college women dont know how to say no to sexInstead you hear, in case after case, about women drinking so much theyre incapable of saying yes or no. How, in Kipnis view, does the common pattern of drunken (heterosexual) college sex result in women and men behaving in gender stereotypical ways exemplary of social pathologies normalized by Title IX campus sexual misconduct policies and proceedings? What evidence does Kipnis base such assertions on? Are they well-supported? Sources: Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town by Jon Krakauer, 2016 Unwanted Advances: Sexual Paranoia Comes to Campus by Laura Kipnis, 2017