How will you use PowerPoint to enhance the presentation of information and engage your audience in your professional or academic life?

1) After reviewing the assigned resources and completing the SIMnet activity, discuss the following questions:How will you use PowerPoint to enhance the presentation of information and engage your audience in your professional or academic life?What are the benefits of using a PowerPoint presentation?2) In your response posts, share a specific feature available in PowerPoint that your peers may use in accomplishing their goals.classmate 1) Alyssa MUnderstand the benefits of power point in my opinion is very important. I currently am expect to present different things to the owners of the company I work for. Currently I do so with poster boards and work sheets. Having a better understanding of Power Point will me to present my ideas more clearly and to a larger crowd. Recently I have started to some marketing projects for a company out of state. This means I have to present thing’s for a company while not being in a the same room, having a power point I could send them to follow along would make things much easier. This would also give the company a better understanding of what my marketing campaigns wills look like. Since I have almost no experience with Power Point I am excited to see what I learn from this, and I know this is a tool I will be needing a lot.classmate 2) Lorie KAfter reviewing the assigned resources and completing the SIMnet activity this week, I will use PowerPoint to enhance the presentation of information by using online pictures, SmartArt, graphs, and bullet points for important information. I will use the proper font, font size, color, and style to make sure I engage the audience in my academic and professional life in the future. I will also use templates for specific presentations in my academics and will use slideshows to keep my audience interested in the presentations as well. I will also be sure to use each slide to represent relevant information in a professional manner while making the presentation attractive and exciting. In my professional life as a bookkeeper, I can use PowerPoint to enhance my client’s financial reports and make them more accessible to understand by providing graphs and text boxes to be sure each important financial detail stands out. I have already used PowerPoint to represent business plans for my marketing and managerial accounting courses, and I am sure I will be using more of this program in my future courses as well. I especially like to attract the audience by using online and personal pictures in my presentations.The benefits of using PowerPoint presentations is that they engage audiences by using audio clips, pictures, slideshows, images, graphs, tables, and text to showcase data and important information. PowerPoint is easy to use and provides templates that can be used for all sorts of personal and professional reasons. PowerPoint creates a visual impact for the audience and can be easily shared amongst large groups as well. It also provides flexibility for the presenter knowing they can customize a presentation to fit their specific needs. PowerPoint can also be used to create picture albums that you can play back in a slideshow. There are all sorts of things you can do with this individual program. PowerPoint is a valuable tool to have for all sorts of academic, personal, and professional reasons in the future.

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