Identify a nursing theory: include the theorists definition/explanation of nursing

professional nursing-bsn
Identify a nursing theory: include the theorists definition/explanation of nursing
Explain the key propositions and concepts of the theory you have chosen
Discuss why you chose this particular nursing theory
Describe how you use or would use the chosen nursing theory in your practice
Development: Paper reflects good writing mechanics correct APA format and citations/references (APA format)
Include title and reference pages
Paper length: 4-7 pages-including title and reference pages. Which teh body of your paper is at least 5 pages.
Must have at least 5 references. References can not be older than 5 years.
Review attached grading rubric for more details on how this paper will be graded. Paper must be written in Microsoft Word and attached as a Microsoft Word document.
Reminder: Students must also upload their papers at the Turnitin site to receive originality report. Percent must be 21% or less

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