Identify and discuss factors that threaten the health of this community. This can include social, economic, environmental and political influences.
Community Based Research
Before commencing this assignment you must complete the following two (2) readings from:
Francis, K., Chapman, Y., Hoare, K., & Birks, M. (2013). Australia and New Zealand: Community as partner, theory and practice in nursing (2nd ed.). Sydney, Australia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
1. Chapter 10: Community Assessment (pp. 172-188)
2. Chapter 11: Analysing data collected during a community assessment (pp.190-214).
You have been allocated for a research on Mackay (QLD 4740) as your community to complete the following questions using publicly available data accessed via different mediums and a variety of sources such as websites, hardcopies or similar.
1. Provide a one [1] page high quality map that demonstrates the locality of your community and include;
1. Reference to the source;
2. Appropriate labelling of significant aspects of your community such as health centres, hospitals, schools, public transport and general infrastructure
3. The geographical classification for your community you have chosen. The link below will help you determine the geographic location and take you to other relevant sites that can inform the assessment of your community:
Australian Government, Department of Health. (2016). Doctor connect: Work as a doctor in Australia. Retrieved from
2. Obtain population data about your community and complete the following:
1. Table 1: Identify the sources where you will retrieve your community (raw) core data and complete the table: one [1] page
2. Table 2: Complete an ‘Survey’ on your chosen community and complete the table.
3. Describe this community you have chosen using the following as your guide [500 words]:
1. Provide a general overview of the community
2. Identify and discuss factors that threaten the health of this community. This can include social, economic, environmental and political influences.
4. Discuss these threats within your community [250 words].