Identify the amounts for the current year for the following categories:

Refer to the Metropolis Health System Supplemental Information at the back of the Examples and Exercises section. Use the MHS comparative Balance Sheet Statement of Revenue and Expenses and Statement of Fund Balance (pgs. 404 407).
1. Identify the amounts for the current year for the following categories:
a. Current Liabilities
b. Total Assets
c. Income from Operations
d. Accumulated Depreciation
e. Total Operating Revenue
f. Current Portion of Long-Term Debt
g. Interest Income
h. Inventories
2. Metropolis currently has $1150000 in cash. How long would it take them to accumulate $2000000 in cash? Assume an interest rate of 5 percent.
Group Baker Judith J.; Baker R.W. (2011). Health Care Finance (Health Care Finance (Baker)). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
I uploaded 4 pages of the book hope this helps.

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