Identify the links between the pathophysiology and manifestations of acute medical health alterations (GA 4) 5.
1. Apply clinical decision making skills to identify and prioritise health problems for individuals experiencing acute medical health alterations 2. Explain the impact of acute medical health alterations for the individual and their family/carers 3. Minimise the psychosocial effects of acute alterations in health for individuals and their families/carers 4. Identify the links between the pathophysiology and manifestations of acute medical health alterations (GA 4) 5. Plan evidence-based, holistic, person-centred care for individuals experiencing acute medical health alterations, including education and discharge planning (GA 5) 6. Determine appropriate nursing therapies and describe medical and allied health interventions for selected acute medical health alterations 7. Evaluate the effectiveness of nursing therapies and interventions 8. Apply evidence, standards and guidelines to analyse selected acute critical incidents and their management