Identify the theory that will serve as the foundation and framework for your project.

NR702 DNP Project & Practicum I
Week 3 Discussion
Planned Change Process for the DNP Project
In week 3, you will focus on applying theory and scientific evidence to the practice problem/issue that you have chosen for your DNP Project. Please download the NR702 Week 3 Guided Study Worksheet (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.and us that template to complete this week’s discussion. You will select the theoretical framework that you think best fits your project. Identify the theory that will serve as the foundation and framework for your project. This may be a nursing theory or a theory from another discipline, if pertinent and applicable. As you introduce the theory, identify its primary premises. The change model theory or change model framework is the theory you will use to Implement your practice change. Begin with a description of your selected change model and why it was selected as the model for this specific change. You should learn about the model from a primary source (i.e., do not cite a textbook). The model you select should be appropriate to the change that you are recommending. Follow the guided Study worksheets to ensure that you include all of the detailed information for each section. Information from each guided study worksheet is included in the Week 4 assignment rubric and the week 6 assignment rubric.
Prior to posting your Weekly Worksheets to the Collaborative Discussion forum, submit the document to the Drop-Off Essay Review through Make any needed changes to your paper based on the feedback you receive from the tutoring service. Remember, it can take up to 24 hours to receive feedback from, so be sure to submit your draft to early enough so that you will be able to incorporate feedback, make revisions, and post your assignment to the Collaborative Discussions on time.
Please upload a copy of your worksheet to the assignment dropbox, then paste the content of the worksheet into the collaborative discussion.
Review your colleagues’ posts and attached Guided Study Worksheets. Provide content-rich feedback regarding the development of their DNP Project proposals.

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