Identify three ways that a Family Nurse Practitioner would use the AACN Essentials skills in nursing practice.

Demonstrate how the skills outlined in the nine (9) AACN Essentials are applicable to Family nurse practitioner.Assignment
1. This is a PowerPoint presentation
2. Demonstrate how the skills outlined in the nine (9) AACN Essentials are applicable to Family nurse practitioner.
3. Identify three ways that a Family Nurse Practitioner would use the AACN Essentials skills in nursing practice.
4. Provide empirical evidence to support three (3) ways a masters-prepared nurse would use the AACN Essentials in practice. A minimum of two (2) current scholarly articles no older than 5 years old are required in this section of the presentation.
5. Concluding statements summarize content.
6. 15-slide presentation with speaker notes in APA format not counting title and reference slides.

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