Identify what professionals your client may need to access and explain how and why these are relevant to your client.

This assessment task relates to the following learning outcomes: 4 and 5:

Learning outcome (4): Discuss and apply knowledge of core processes of case management practice.
Learning outcome (5): Present work at the appropriate academic standard
You are a case manager assigned to the client described below. You must follow case management best practice, i.e. apply the relevant core processes of case management, to help your client access the care they need. Please note, you do not have to assume that you work for any particular organisation, simply apply what you have learned from lectures and your own reading.
1- Identify what services your client may need to meet his medical needs and personal goal, and justify your answer.
2- Identify what professionals your client may need to access and explain how and why these are relevant to your client.
3- Identify what services are available to your client taking into account where they live.
4- Discuss how culture may influence how you engage with your client.
5- Identify the possible barriers your client may encounter and perceive to accessing appropriate care and taking appropriate action.
Client: Mr Aleki Taafua is a 54 year old Samoan male, formerly a construction worker, living in Mt Welllington. He has a body mass index (BMI) of 38 kg/m2 , has a long history of hypertension, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes, for which he is taking diuretics and a β-blocker, statins, and metformin respectively. One year ago, he had a stroke resulting in hemiparesis on his right side mainly affecting his right arm, which he has trouble moving. His right hand is permanently curled into a fist (NB: Mr Taafua is/was right handed). He lives with his wife who is providing care, and both are living on a WINZ benefit. Mr Aleki would like to return to paid employment for which he needs your help.

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