Identify which of these interventions are examples of upstream thinking.

Community/Public Health Nursing: Promoting the Health of Populations TEXTBOOK 6e
Oct 28 2014 BY MARY A.NIES.
NOTE : Please my school has zero tolerant plagiarism. APA FORMATTING with proper citation
Migrant Population and Upstream Thinking
Choose one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in migrant populations. On the basis of risk factor and natural history specify interventions for primary secondary and tertiary prevention of this problem.
Identify which of these interventions are examples of upstream thinking.

Migrant Population and Upstream Thinking

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Choose one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in migrant populations.On the basis of risk factor and natural history specify interventions for primary secondary and tertiary prevention of this problem.
Identify which of these interventions are examples of upstream thinking.

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