Identity Integrity Disorder Neuroethics

Identity Integrity Disorder Neuroethics, 2 (2009): 21-33 Then, you should do the following; accurately state the author’s conclusion and critically summarise his or her argument.
You should, first, read one of the following papers from the unit readings: M. Little, Abortion, Intimacy and the duty to gestate Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 2: 295312, 1999. C. Ryan, Out on A Limb: The Ethical Management of Bodily Identity Integrity Disorder Neuroethics, 2 (2009): 21-33 Then, you should do the following; accurately state the author’s conclusion and critically summarise his or her argument. Don’t use bullet points or just copy sentences from the paper; use your own words. You need to not just state the argument but also assess it. You may refer to other articles or books. References needed (Excluding the word count)

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