illustrate the importance of the topic in nursing practice and connect the topic with 1-2 theory models
Instructions of the Paper-
1. Concise, cohesive organization of the evidence and the proposed practiced model( THIS IS THE THEORY OF Family Health Systems Model( FHS model- the coping realm) and family stress theory model) I did not add reference of the models but its online. You can choose to focus on one model if it is difficult to add both. Preferably use FHS of the coping realm- subtopics from FHS that connect with literature can be : a) health behaviors b) stress/crisis adaptation
2. The goal is to first illustrate the importance of the topic in nursing practice and connect the topic with 1-2 theory models- The first paragraph will be an overview of the topic of poverty
3. Topic The impact of poverty on family current and future health status. Below are subtopics . Can you add headings in APA formatting to make the paper flow clearly
A- Coping mechanisms of family during poverty
B- Impact of poverty on children
C- Impact of poverty on family overall health
4. Synthesis of the literature- Accuracy of the interpretation and applications of the family concepts, theory, research and other evidence
5. APA formatting , 10 pages
Lastly, I would appreciate if you could keep me in the loop regarding the progress of the paper and feedback. I appreciate how last time you updated me about the progress of the assignment. Thank you. Anna
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