In an essay of 1250 to 1500 words, using at least 2 APA style cited references, and also cite the textbook >> • Selekman, J. (2013). School nursing: A comprehensive text (2nd). Newark, DE: F.A. Davis Company. Chapters 8,11,27 and 28 Write essay in APA style on: Part one: Pick two of the four conditions listed below. Using the textbook and the website provided, write a paper discussing the incidence of the disorder, what type of disabilities are associated with the condition, and any associated findings.

June 11, 2019 Off All,

Intellectual Disabilities, Mental Health in Schools, and Collaborations with the community

Paper details:

Assignment: In an essay of 1250 to 1500 words, using at least 2 APA style cited references, and also cite the textbook >> • Selekman, J. (2013). School nursing: A comprehensive text (2nd). Newark, DE: F.A. Davis Company. Chapters 8,11,27 and 28 Write essay in APA style on: Part one: Pick two of the four conditions listed below. Using the textbook and the website provided, write a paper discussing the incidence of the disorder, what type of disabilities are associated with the condition, and any associated findings. ***Then discuss what a School Nurse would need to know to care for this student. What teaching would need to be done of the school staff? Which accommodations would need to be given for the student? Would the student need medications? Special therapy at school? Discuss any legal considerations for school health. Describe support groups in your community that you would recommend to the family? 1. Down syndrome 2. Fragile X syndrome 3. Fetal Alcohol syndrome 4. William’s syndrome I HAVE CHOSEN DOWN SYNDROME AND FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME Part 2: Review the selected mental health conditions in chapter 28. Pick two. Using the textbook and one other scholarly article, describe the condition, how it is characterized, and what a school health professional would need to know to care for a student. List one individual for each condition that you could collaborate with to help the student. WEBSITE Overview Intellectual disabilities are an issue for schools and their health professionals. The plan is to discuss a few of these disabilities. In addition, mental health issues in the school evaluated. Learning Materials • Selekman, J. (2013). School nursing: A comprehensive text (2nd). Newark, DE: F.A. Davis Company. Chapters 8,11,27 and 28 • Down syndrome • Fragile X syndrome • Fetal Alcohol syndrome • William’s syndrome • School Mental Health • See Box 28.2 for 4 mental health websites for eliminating barriers in the classroom.

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