In your opinion, does Congress have too much or too little power? Explain your reasoning.

Instructions In your opinion, does Congress have too much or too little power? Explain your reasoning. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary, but if any resources are used, then please cite and reference them properly using APA format as found in the CSU Citation Guide. “She works for me!” How often have you heard a voter say that or something similar about an elected official, usually in the context of the official making a decision or casting a vote that someone didn’t like? Perhaps you’ve even said something like that yourself. But in what sense does an elected representative “work for you”? The answer is not as obvious as it might seem. There are different aspects of representation that are discussed in this Unit’s readings. Is a representative “supposed” to vote the way a majority of her constituents want her to vote? Or is she “supposed” to exercise independent judgment based on her wisdom, maturity and life experiences? Those are two very different things. Or does the answer lie somewhere in between those two alternatives? This is only one of several questions that make up the whole field of theories of representation. You’ve probably also heard that the three branches of government each have separate functions, but they have shared functions, as well. There are several actions that the federal government can take only if two or more of the branches work together. And since the Constitution’s drafters wanted to avoid creating a tyranny, while they were still building a government that was strong enough to function effectively, they made sure that each branch had the ability to restrain the others in some important respects – a concept that we know as “separation of powers.” And it probably won’t surprise you to hear that the branches have all been accused of trying to claim more power for themselves than they are entitled to. Has Congress too broadly interpreted the Interstate Commerce Clause? Has the president usurped congressional authority by issuing executive orders? Have the courts gone too far in exercising judicial review?

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