In your own words, explain the sociological imagination as if you were a teacher explaining it to students

Please follow the directions below to submit your journal for this module. View the three short videos. A Successful Sociologist Makes the Familiar Strange [Length 2:44] (Links to an external site.) This short video will explain to you how sociologists view issues in society. C. Wright Mills [Length 5:32] (Links to an external site.) This video gives you a brief biography of C. Wright Mills and his contributions to sociology including the sociological imagination. The Sociological Imagination [Length 2:18] (Links to an external site.) This video clip will explain what the sociological imagination is and how it is used by sociologists. After viewing the three short videos on C. Wright Mills, Sociological Imagination, and seeing the general in the particular, you are ready to write your first journal entry. Reflect on what you learned about the sociological imagination. In your journal entry discuss the following: In your own words, explain the sociological imagination as if you were a teacher explaining it to students (provide your own example). What flaws might you find with Mills explanation of the sociological imagination? How does individual agency shape human behavior? Create an example from your own life or larger society that applies the concept of personal problems as public issues. Each journal entry should be between 2-5 paragraphs and include the following: Summary of main points and concepts extracted from the assignment (may include videos, articles, or textbook material including exercises). (1-2 paragraphs) Critical analysis of the material in the assignment. Analysis may include personal feelings on the subject matter supported with examples or evidence of why you feel this way. Although personal experience is fine to cite, it should not form the basis of your arguments for supported material. Adding additional evidence or statistics from literary sources, newspapers, media, or the textbook can enhance the analysis and make it more polished and valid. (2-3 paragraphs) Note that improper sentence structure, grammar and spelling may cause a deduction of points from the assignment.

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