Influencing health care in the legislative arena.

WRITE a two (2) page paper (minimum 525 words) using the articles below as references. Abood, S. (2007). Influencing health care in the legislative arena. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 12(1), 12 pp. Benefiting nurses & patients. Retrieved from (CLICK on PDF attachment: AFL-CIO STAFFING FACTS) a) Review the Abood article about influencing legislation (see above). b) Review the three (3) articles (Aiken et al.; AFL-CIO; Kinnaird) on staffing ratios (see attached PDFs). You have decided that you want your state legislature to pass similar legislation on mandated nurse-patient staffing ratios. c) Using the above article(s), develop a plan for influencing votes of legislators on nurse-patient staffing ratios. Limit your submission to two (2) pages. You MUST include the following: Title of Paper (top of page 2, centered) Advocacy and Nurse-Patient Staffing Ratios PAGE 1 HEADING: [Level 1] My Personal/Professional Strategies to Increase My Power (ONE PAGE ONLY) 1. Using the Abood article as a reference, discuss the strategies and/or the “power(s)” YOU would use professionally and/or personally as a nurse to persuade a busy legislator. Use “I would/will” terminology,” NOT “the nurse/nurses” or “you” terminology (referring to the reader). 2. How would you prepare YOURSELF, i.e., more education, organization memberships, etc.? Be specific. 3. How would YOU involve other nurses and potential patients (the public) in your strategies. i.e. petitions, meetings, social media, etc.? Be specific. PAGE 2 HEADING: [Level 1] State Legislator Information Sheet (ONE PAGE ONLY) 1. Using the Module 6 readings as references (Aiken et al.; AFL-CIO; Kinnaird), compose a one (1) page state legislator information sheet on nurse-patient staffing ratios for a busy legislator who will only have time to read one page. Use at least 6-8 bullet point statements to be convincing. 2. Begin the information sheet with a brief (1-2 sentences) introduction to the state legislator explaining the purpose for the bullet point statements below. 3. Bullet points ( ? ) are brief (1-2 short sentences), pertinent, accurate, research and/or data based statements. NOTE: Citations are required for each of the bullet point statements. 4. Focus on benefits to patients/families. The state legislator will only support proposed legislation if it ultimately benefits his/her voters (patients/families); if nurses’ health or nurses’ workplace environments are mentioned, the ultimate goal should always be to benefit patients/families. An example: -High nurse-patient staffing ratios increase nurse burnout. Nurse burnout results in higher attrition and less job satisfaction which impacts the continuity and quality of patient care (Aiken et al., 2010). 5. APA format citations note: Many other research studies are cited in the articles. If you cite these other research studies, they are considered secondary sources (See APA Manual, p. 178, 6.17). For example, the following is an example of a bullet point statement with a citation from a secondary source: -Patients diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction had a lower mortality rate as the number of registered nurse hours per patient day increased (Sochalski et al. [as cited in Aiken et al., 2010]). Aiken at al. is then used as the source on the reference list. 4) In-text citations and a reference list MUST be found in your paper.

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