Initial Steps for an Evidence-Based Project Template

Initial Steps for an Evidence-Based Project Template
(Week 8)
Project Title:For patients 65 years and older, how does use of 800 IU vitamin D supplement compared to not using 800 IU vitamin D supplement incident the risk of fracture during falls

Introduction: (25 to 50 words) For 65 years and older are the risk of fracture during fall. They get easily injure especially fracture of the bone. This is the leading cause of a hospital admission and long term rehab. Vitamin D has been used for the elderly population due to its ability to strengthen the bones, the supplement has been used by the young and old alike in a bid to strengthen the bones and forms a significant factor in the possibility of occurrence of a fracture during falls
Overview of the Problem: (50 to 70 words)The old age above sixty-five years of age is associated with the development of the weakening of skeletal health so that prompting the measures to ensure the health of these individuals need to be improved. The 800 IU vitamin D supplement has been proven to initiate the enhancement of muscle efficiency and thereby, helping in the reduction of the fall. Upon falls there is a possibility to develop fractures due to the muscle weakness and osteoporosis fragility associated with old age (Borel, Caillaud & Cano, 2015). The 800 IU vitamin D supplement intake, however, may influence the risk of fracture along with the many of different mechanisms. Therefore, this research hypothesis will continue a variation in the individuals who take the 800 IU vitamin D supplement and those withhold from the intake incident the risk of fracture during fall.
Project Purpose Statement: (20 to 40 words)
Background and Significance: (50 to 100 words)
PICOt Formatted Clinical Project Question:

Population –for patients 65 years older

Intervention –vitamin 800 IU intake daily

Comparison –not taking vitamin 800 IU daily

Outcome –incident the risk of fracture

timeframe –during falls

Literature Review: (200 to 400 words)
Include –
Key terms used to guide the search for evidence
Five (5) research studies to support the evidence
Critical Appraisal of Literature: (200 to 400 words)
Include –
Strength of the Evidence
Weaknesses of the Evidence
What do we know?
What are the gaps?
Develop an EBP Standard: (150 to 250 words)
Include –
Identify a bundle of care of two (2) to three (3)– Practice guidelines, Assessments, Actions and Treatments
How will the individual patient’s preferences be considered?
Implications: (150 to 250 words)
References: (APA 6th. ed. Format)

Bogaisky M; Leipzig RM; ACP Journal Club, Nov/Dec2005; 143(3): 72-74. 3p. (Journal Article – abstract, commentary, tables/charts) ISSN: 1056-8751 PMID: 16262229
Vitamin D in adult health and disease: a review and guideline statement from Osteoporosis Canada
Hanley, David A, MD; Cranney, Ann, MB BCh; Jones, Glenville, PhD; Whiting, Susan J, PhD; Leslie, William D, MD; et al.
Fall prevention with supplemental and active forms of vitamin D: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Bischoff-Ferrari, H A; Dawson-Hughes, B; Staehelin, H B; Orav, J E; Stuck, A E; et al. BMJ : British Medical Journal (Online); London Vol. 339, (Oct 1, 2009). DOI:10.1136/bmj.b3692

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