Is the specific-to-general arrangement an effective choice for this paragraph?
1As everyone knows, the baby boomerslong dash
?that big population bulge born between 1946 and 1964long dash
?are growing older and will need health care, so it’s hardly a surprise that health services is the fastest-growing job market after computers. 2But in one health arealong dash
?nursinglong dash
?there is already a crisis. 3The shortage of nurses is so acute that placement agencies are recruiting from abroad. 4What accounts for the shortage? 5For one thing, women who used to go into nursing now take higher-paying jobs with more prestige. 6Concerned about the social stigma and low paychecks that can’t support families, very few men enter nursing. 7Then there are the changes brought about by HMOs. 8To keep down costs, hospitals are admitting only the sickest patients. 9With fewer patients, hospitals often have to cut back on staffing. 10The result is fewer nurses for more seriously ill patients. 11Many nurses cannot take the pressure. 12What’s to be done? 13The answer is simple. 14We must give nurses the pay, prestige, and support they deserve. 15The time for this is long overdue.
Is the specific-to-general arrangement an effective choice for this paragraph?
Yes, the suspense created compels readers to agree with the writer’s opinion.
No, the writer is clearly angry; therefore, he or she should have stated the main point upfront to get the reader’s sympathy.
Yes, by building the paragraph with such surprising facts, the writer makes it hard not to agree with his or her point.
No, the writer should have used the general-to-specific arrangement because it always sways readers.
Click to select your answer. C. The facts included makes the reader to tend to agree with the author’s point of view… View the full answer