Is there a relationship between Symptoms of anxiety and depression (SAD) scores and Social engagement scores (SES) in people from the Nottingham Longitudinal Study (NLSAA) study?

June 4, 2019 Off All,


Analysis of Health Information – Coursework Research question/aim: Is there a relationship between Symptoms of anxiety and depression (SAD) scores and Social engagement scores (SES) in people from the Nottingham Longitudinal Study (NLSAA) study? Using SPSS (version 25), conduct analyses on the NLSAA dataset. This cannot be uploaded so please contact me via email to send the sav. file to you. I’ve attached the data catalogue that cites the dataset coding. Also attached the course’s outline to show what has been covered and reading list. Attached the coursework assignment outline and the additional support details what should be included in the report, and what tests have been covered in the module. Rough outputs using sad_85 and ses_85 have shown that there is statistical significance between the two, but I’m not sure if I have done this correctly . i.e. null hypothesis of there is no relationship between levels of SAD and SES scores. I’m hoping to prove the lower the SAD score, the higher the SES score. Please include table of descriptive statics proving the skewed data and justify the use of non-parametric testing. I would like to group the variables (2 or 3 groups) as they are both independent ordinal variables, but please provide the literature to back this as I am struggling to find this. If the null hypothesis is proving too difficult to reject – i.e. results are too borderline, please contact me as soon as possible. If you can suggest an easier hypothesis please do not hesitate to discuss. Report requires summary tables, charts, diagrams to show the distribution of data and summaries of what the data shows. Literature review must support the analyses of review and recent studies. Word count: 3000 (not including charts and tables) Sources required: 40 – majority UK sourced please. Please cite medical statistics literature, and literature to support the hypothesis. Reference style APA 6th edition. SPSS output MUST be included as an appendix (not included in the word count).

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