Map the flow of health record information. Plan procedures and human resource requirements for the information system.

May 31, 2019 Off All,

This assignment will comprise the complete proposal for the health information review that you recommend. Throughout this assignment, explicitly state the reasons for each and all of your choices. (WRITER – PROPOSAL OBJECTIVE) Imagine that you are the office manager of a physician group, and you have been asked to develop a proposal for a health care information review of the quality of care given to patient’s diagnosed with Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) seen by your physicians. For this assignment of the course project, you are to: – Explain your rationale for proposed health care information review procedures. – Map the flow of health record information. – Plan procedures and human resource requirements for the information system. -Plan data security measures. -Plan practices or procedures to ensure data meets standards for interoperability with an HIE. -Plan quality and change management strategies. -Detail steps and timeframes for implementing the study. The grading criteria for this assignment are explicitly identified below; however, you may also want to read the scoring guide for the assignment (WRITER – THIS WILL BE SENT AS A SEPARATE FILE) to better understand the performance levels that relate to each criterion. Instructions: Download and use the APA Paper Template from the Resources (WRITER – THIS WILL BE SENT AS A SEPARATE FILE). You will complete this assignment by replacing all instructional and sample text with your own words. Note: An abstract is not required for this assignment. Title page: Develop a descriptive title of approximately 5–15 words. It should stir interest while maintaining professional decorum. Enter the other required information (RUNNING HEADER) as indicated on the template. Criterion: Explain your rationale for proposed health care information system review procedures. Write an Introduction that generally explains what information you propose to collect and the reasons why it is important to collect information. How could this information be used to validate or improve the quality of care at your facility? Note: In APA style, the heading “Introduction” is not used; instead, the introduction is headed with the document title. Criterion: Map the flow of health record information. Plan procedures and human resource requirements for the information system. Under the heading Data Collection Plan, propose an implementation plan and detail what information you propose to collect at your facility, including where and how it will be collected: What time period do you propose to review? (WRITER-I CHOSE DATA COLLECTION FOR A 5 YEAR TIME PERIOD). What system applications should be used to collect health information? What new procedures (if any) will need to be implemented? Write a narrative, create a timeline, create a flowchart, or use any other method of your choosing to demonstrate the flow of health record information through the entire information lifecycle from creation to destruction. Identify those sections within the lifecycle from which you will be retrieving information. Discuss the use of information from an HIE and how it affects patient care, clinical knowledge, and population health data. What personnel will be required? (WRITER – PLEASE INCLUDE “EXTERNAL DATA COLLECTION WILL BE OUTSOURCED” IN THE ESSAY) What skills will they need? What new training or job aids will be needed? Describe strategies that can help personnel implement the new practices and procedures. Criterion: Plan data security measures. Under the heading Data Security Plan: Plan measures that should be taken to protect PHI. Apply laws governing health information confidentiality, privacy, and security. Plan for the impact of the Health Information and Patient Protection Act (HIPAA) on health care personnel, policies, and procedures.

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