Mental Health in Prisons: Recommendations
April 2, 2019 Off All,
Mental Health in Prisons: Recommendations
Submit a draft of your recommendations (Section III). The recommendations for the project should consist of your synthesis of how to intervene or prevent the particular problem you have chosen. The recommendations should outline the theoretical approach for the intervention and discuss how this approach will address disparities and social determinants of health in the target population and in the community selected. Based on your research and identified community need, concisely suggest (one paragraph at the most) appropriate technical and professional communication strategies that will promote your public health program. In this milestone, you will also need to propose a set of evaluation questions appropriate to the program implementation phase and design an evaluation strategy that includes a sampling strategy, data collection strategy, and data analytic methods. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: III. Recommendations Based on the statement of the problem, a thorough review of the literature, and the identification of potential program/intervention model(s) and theoretical framework(s) related to the health problem, provide recommendations for addressing the issue through appropriate public health strategies (including public policy, community mobilization, patient or provider education, and health communications). A. Based on your research and identified community need, concisely suggest (one paragraph at the most) appropriate technical and professional communication strategies that will promote your public health program. B. Propose evaluation methods for determining efficacy of the program. According to the CDC, program evaluation questions generally fall into several groups. How will you evaluate your program based on this framework? For example, would you use the implementation, effectiveness, efficiency, or cost-effectiveness method of evaluation? C. How will you attend to attribution (i.e., can progress on goals and objectives be shown to relate to your program, as opposed to other things that are going on at the same time) in your program?